Monday, November 6, 2017

Tsamina mina, eh eh Waka waka, eh eh Tsamina mina zangalewa This time for Africa

Olla, it has been quite sometime since the last time I posted. This time it's for South Africa. It is Cape Town to be exact. To be honest, this trip really opens up my mind about my previous thought of Africa. It is so different from what I know where there are lots of poverty, criminals, and many negative thoughts.

Well, maybe those parts are just some parts of Africa but certainly not about South Africa. From what I can tell, South Africa is alot similar to Australia where it is alot more developed even compare to my hometown in Indonesia. The streets are clean, organised, and the buildings are nicely built. Most importantly, the weather is magnificent and scenery is just stunning.

Basically Cape Town is famous for the table mountain. It looks like table with flat top which make it unique and different from many other mountain around the world.

Also, from what my South African friend recommend, there is one must try food and gifts everyone should get from South Africa which is Biltong! To be honest, I don't feel that impressed with this beef jerky as it has a pretty hard texture and not very tasty, but it is good to try.

So we managed to visit the Boulder Beach to see pinguins by the beach and Table Mountain National Park where it is the southest point of Africa! which is also known as cape point. It feels so great since I have never seen any pinguin in my life. They are just adorable and fluffy.

Cape Point is actually the meeting of two worlds biggest oceans; Atlantic and Indian Ocean. During my visit was around middle of July and the weather was just freezingly nice. It's a little bit too cold especially at the peak of the hill; but the breathaking view just literally blew all the freeziness away. One good thing is that we manage to reach the peak during sunset where the magnificent view beats it all. I will definitely say yes to coming back to Cape Town again.

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